200 million data points. 50 trusted data sources.

Bluechip is the only site selection tool you need to make the right move – whether you’re looking to strategically consolidate sites or double your RE footprint in the next year.

Labor market insights

Identify the core demographic make-up of any given area in the US – right down to individual street level. Analyze the local labor market, predict wage changes and make sure your next site has access to the workforce you need.

Location intelligence

Compare and contrast the impact of any location instantly, with easy-to-understand visual analysis of employee commutes, salary costs, amenity access, and the potential for any future workforce growth.

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See how Bluechip works


Listen to what our customers say

Darren Woodson
Cresa, Super Bowl Champion and Managing Principal

“Cresa has a head start thanks to Bluechip. It gives us instant analytics that enable us to advise our clients. It solves the people problem, and this drives real value.”


No data science degree required

Bluechip gives you real-time labor and location intelligence alongside clear AI overviews to show exactly where your next site selection should be.

Easy to access

Instant 24/7 access to US data, no waiting around for an analyst to respond

Easy to share

Download and share dashboards with your clients and peers.

Easy to understand

Instant AI analysis for key recommendations.


No guesswork required

Uncover the insights that help guarantee the success of every site selection, across every demographic, every metric, every location.


Identify demographics, job roles and wages in any given area


Understand the impact of any location on your employees commute


Compare your site shortlist and see which best supports your operations

Labor Shed

Pinpoint the size of any prospective workforce, in any area

Decision Matrix

Add custom scoring to your key site features to personalize site recommendations


Create custom searches and reports to tailor Bluechip specifically for your business


Bluechip helps individuals and organizations make smarter real estate decisions

Brokers/Real Estate Advisors

Compete with the largest firms, engage clients earlier in their sales cycles, and deliver the insight and advice that builds valuable relationships.


Access unrivaled, up-to-date metrics for your labor market catchment area, all in one place. Save your team time when creating RFIs and better position your county or city against others

Private Equity/Developers

Quickly identify the most promising areas for development, ensuring any investment location has access to the right workforce, and right customers.

Occupiers – VPs of RE, CHROs, CFOs

Access the trusted data and insights that let you make smarter site decisions for your employees, your operations and your bottom line.